Tuesday 1 Feb - Refund update
The refund process for Brendan Foot Supersite Round the Bays starts today! You can expect to see your refund in the account you paid from in the next 15 days.
Remember your training over the holidays doesn't have to go to waste! Keep your eyes peeled for more information on the VIRTUAL EVENT this week!
Friday 28 Jan - Event update
We would like to thank everyone for your support and patience whilst we have worked through the latest Government announcement and what this means for Brendan Foot Supersite Round the Bays 2022. After much consideration, we have decided our postponement date of 3 April is no longer a viable option due to the COVID-19/Omicron modelling forecasts, and our commitment to participant safety. Unfortunately, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Brendan Foot Supersite Round the Bays 2022. This is the first time in 22 years that we have had to cancel the event. What does this mean for registered participants? From Monday, we will begin processing refunds for all registered paid participants. Refunds of 75% will be given, which is an increase from the 25% stated in our Terms and Conditions due to the introduction of the Governments Events Transition Support Payment scheme. Due to the quantity of refunds that we need to process, it will take a few weeks for us to complete the refund process. We sympathise with our charity partners who are no longer able to raise funds from event day. If you wish to donate a portion or all of your refund to one of the four official charities, you can do so here. As disappointing as having to cancel this iconic Wellington event is, we have some EXCITING NEWS! For paid registrants, our team is planning a virtual Round the Bays event so you can still #GIVEITAGO and be rewarded for your training to date. We'll be sharing more details about this opportunity very soon!
Wednesday 26 Jan - event update
Due to the current COVID environment and the move to RED, we will not be holding Brendan Foot Supersite Round the Bays 2022 on Sunday 20 Feb.
Our team are currently working through the options for this event. We will provide a decision this Friday, 28 Jan, so please keep an eye out on our communication channels for the latest information.
Thank you for your patience. Kia kaha ❤️
Sunday 23 Jan - event update
Following this morning’s Government announcement, the whole of Aotearoa will move into red at 11:59pm on Sunday 23rd January.
To ensure the safety of our event attendees, Nuku Ora will be reviewing the delivery of the 2022 Brendan Foot Supersite Round the Bays over the coming days. This will include determining whether Sunday 20th February is still a possible date for the event and/or if our postponement date of 3rd April is an option.
We will look to provide a more detailed update on Wednesday 26th January. Thank you for your patience as we work through the details. Kia kaha.